Product Info
This clean, sleek, modern design is graced with beauty and elegance making it perfect for any bathroom. The Vivo is part of the Americh Drop-in Collection. The Vivo is also available with any system and all Americh Standard Colors.
- Gallons to Overflow: 98
- Whirlpool Operating Gallons: 65
- Material: Acrylic (All Americh Standard Colors)
- Tub Floor: Textured
- Undermount: Yes
Builder Series
- Color Match Trim
- 1-HP Pump
- Air Switch with 10 Minute Timer
- Pre-mounted Pump + Controls
- Pre-leveled Bathtub
- 20-Year Limited Warranty
Additional Info
Specification Sheet
Instruction Sheet
- Brand:Americh
- MPN:VO7236B
- Material:Acrylic
Product Options